ETEA 2022 Full Course Test


Today we are going to Upload ETEA 2022 Full Course Test

Don’t focus on how you’ll fail: focus on how you’ll win

“Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will.”


10 / 200

10. Approximately 80% of the total RNA contents of a cell are?

29 / 200

29. An immersion heater of 400 watts kept on for 5 hours will consume electrical power of __________________?

142 / 200


Which is the correct order of decreasing acidity of lewis acids?

154 / 200

154. If 1 ampere current flows through 2m long conductor the charge flow through it in 1 hour will be_______________?

165 / 200

165. The volume occupied by of a gas ( vap. density ) at NTP is:

189 / 200

189. The complex [CO(NH3)3 (NO2)3] is named as 

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The average score is 5%
