KMU ETEA aggregate Calculator for MBBS/BDS


KMU ETEA aggregate Calculator for MBBS/BDS

How to calculate ETEA KMU 2022 aggregate calculator. you can easily find your KMU ETEA aggregate Calculator for MBBS/BDS aggregate from our official website wisegot. wisegot provide nums 2022 aggregate.

You may calculate your aggregate for KMU ETEA aggregate Calculator for MBBS/BDS . KMU ETEA aggregate Calculator for MBBS/BDS  aggregate formula takes into account 40% Fsc and 50% and 10% Matric ETEA Entry Test grades. According to the Pakistan Medical Commission, the minimal weightage for testing is 50%.

KMU ETEA aggregate Calculator for MBBS/BDS
Enter your FSc/HSSC acquired marks, Matric Marks and ETEA Entry Test  marks to calculate your ETEA KMU aggregate.

if you want to calculate aggregate then you can easily calculate it from our official website.
