Lesson Plan Countable And Uncountable Nouns 2021 -22

This Lesson Plan Countable And Uncountable Nouns 2021 -22 includes the objectives and prerequisites of the lesson teaching students how to use countable and uncountable nouns with the correct

Lesson Workshop/Classroom/Lab                                                            Prepared :Shame Aftab

Course :DVTD                                                                                                    Technology / Trade :

Subject : Functional English                                                                       Topic : Countable noun                                                                                                                                                                                                                Uncountable noun

Lesson No 1                                                                                                      Estimated : 55 Mint



The trainee should be able

1: Define countable noun?

2: Define uncountable noun?

3: To group the parts of speech under the title of closed class.

Teaching Aid:

Lesson plan, writing board (layout) list of application with solution, work sheet with solution, wall chart, Information sheet

Teaching Method:

Lecture method, question answer method

Work sheet:

Define countable noun and uncountable noun with supporting example?



Assalam o Alaikum; Dear students!

As you are familiar with the term of noun today we will understand the term countable and uncountable lets try to understand it by an example.

In the universe everything has its own shape and nature. Some can be measured and some can be counted every specific noun has its own specific measuring unit. The things which can be counted are known as countable.

For example.

      Water, Apple, rice, pencils, in a bag.

Here we can count in numbers, only apple and pencil in a bag. Therefore these are countable. Moreover water, rice, etc. are included in uncountable noun.  






Countable and Uncountable.

Countable Noun

         It refers to those nouns which are countable and have singular and plural form.


Flower Dog Tree apple Pizza Pen Shop Cake Clock Shoes
house Crow Cup Eggs Teeth Leg Paper Laptop Carrot Pencil
Car Day Book Knife Movie Arm Comb Finger Burger Door
Chair table brush Toy School mobile bottle wallet cash plates

Uncountable Noun

                 It refers to these nouns which are not countable and use need counters to quantify them.


Rain rice salt help ice milk flour sugar jam honey
love water blood grass fire ink smoke air snow stress
happy beauty anger noise light joy oil oxygen juice pain
petrol silence success luck justice drink advice Alcohol laughter energy




Q1: Here is a list of few countable and uncountable nouns. Write C after countable nouns, and U after uncountable nouns:

  1. Egg …………………..                 11. Jam                    …………………
  2. Flour  …………………..                  12. Banana               ………………..
  3. Milk  ………………….                   13. Meat                 ………………….
  4. Olive  ………………….                   14. Tea                    …………………
  5. Salt …………………..                   15. Carrot                ………………..
  6. Apple  ………………….                    16. Book                     ……………….
  7. Rice  …………………..                  17. Cheese                ………………..
  8. Fries             ………………….                   18. Grapes                ……………….
  9. Honey ………………….. 19. Sugar                  ……………….
  10. Burger ………………… 20. Plates                 ……………..

Q2 .Read the sentence and underline the nouns and write weather it is a countable or uncountable.

  1. Ali drives a car. ______________
  2. Shella buy a new dress. _______________
  3. We students waste water. _______________
  4. Some orange are in the bag _______________
  5. This house is made up of sand and straw. _______________

Q 3. Answer the short question.

Q1: What is countable noun?

Q2: What is uncountable noun?

Q3: Write any 5 countable nouns and 5 uncountable nouns?

Q4: What is the difference between countable nouns and uncountable nouns?


Q1: Here is a list of few countable and uncountable nouns. Write C after countable nouns, and U after uncountable nouns:

  1. Egg …………C………..                 11. Jam                    ………U…………
  2. Flour …………U……….. 12. Banana               ………C………..
  3. Milk …………U………. 13. Meat                 ………………….
  4. Olive …………C………. 14. Tea                    ………U…………
  5. Salt …………U……….. 15. Carrot                ………………..
  6. Apple …………C………. 16. Book                     ……………….
  7. Rice …………U……….. 17. Cheese                ………………..
  8. Fries …………U………. 18. Grapes                ……………….
  9. Honey …………U……….. 19. Sugar                  ……………….
  10. Burger ………C………… 20. Plates                 ……………..

Q2 .Read the sentence and underline the nouns and write weather it is a countable or uncountable.

  1. Ali drives a Ali (c) car (c)
  2. Shella buy a new Shella (c) dress (c)
  3. We students waste                  Water (u)
  4. Some orange are in the bag                              orange (c) bag (c)
  5. This house is made up of sand and House(c)sand(u)straw (u)


 Fill in the blanks.

  1. Parts of speech are eight in numbers.
  2. Parts of speech are those words which are used to constructs sentence’s.
  3. Parts of speech are divided in two classes.
  4. Open class refers to the category of content words.
  5. Adverb belongs to the open class.
  6. Adjective belongs to the open class.
  7. Closed class refers to the category of function words.
  8. Pronoun belongs to the closed class.
  9. Noun belongs to the open class.
  10. Closed class does not readily accept new members.


  1. Parts of speech are:
  2. Four
  3. Seven
  4. Eight
  5. Pronoun belongs to the group of content words which are part of
  6. Open class
  7. Closed class
  8. Both
  9. Parts of speech are divided in_____ classes.
  10. Two
  11. Three
  12. Six
  13. Parts of speech are used to ________ sentences.
  14. Capitalize
  15. label
  16. Construct
  17. Noun belongs to____
  18. Closed class
  19. Open class
  20. Both

Answer the short question.

Q1:What is the definition of parts of speech?


Parts of speech

Parts of speech are those words which are used to construct sentences. These are eight parts of speech

Q2:How many parts of speech are there? Name them.


Types of speech

There are eight  parts of speech.

  1. Noun
  2. Verb
  3. Adverb
  4. Adjective
  5. Pronoun
  6. Preposition
  7. Conjunction
  8. Interjection

Q3:What is open class?


Open Class.

Open class refers to the category of content

words that readily accept new members.

  1. Noun
  2. Verb
  3. Adverb
  4. Adjective

Q4:What is closed class?


Closed Class

Closed class refers to the category of function words  that don’t readily accept new members.

  1. Pronoun
  2. Preposition
  3. Conjunction
  4. Interjection

Q5:Define any  5 parts of speech? With examples.


  1. Noun
  2. Verb
  3. Adverb
  4. Adjective
  5. Pronoun

WORK SHEET Categories all the parts off speech in to open class and closed class.


Q.1 Categories sell the parts of speech in to open class and closed class.


Parts of speech

Parts of speech are those wards which are used to construct sentences. There are eight  parts of speech.

These are divided in two classes.


Open class refers to the category of content words that readily accept new members.

  1. Noun
  2. Verb
  3. Adverb
  4. Adjective

Closed Class

Closed class refers to the category of function words  that don’t readily accept new member.

  1. Pronoun
  2. Preposition
  3. Conjunction
  4. Interjection








Lesson Plan Countable And Uncountable Nouns


  • Functional English.

                Functional English is typically taught as a foundation subject when a good command of English is required for academic study and career progression.

  • For Example.
  • Asking for or giving advice.
  • Explaining rules.

Parts of speech

Parts of speech are those wards which are used to construct sentences. There are eight  parts of speech.

These are divide in two classes.

Open Class.

Open class refers to the category of content

Words  that readily accept new members.

  1. Noun
  2. Verb
  3. Adverb
  4. Adjective

Closed Class

Closed class refers to the category of function words  that don’t readily accept new member.

  1. Pronoun
  2. Preposition
  3. Conjunction
  4. Interjection