Punjab to Hire 4,000 Teachers for School Camps


Punjab’s School Education Department (SED) has decided to organize summer camps in approximately 2,000 educational institutions during the upcoming vacation period. The camps will take place in five districts of Punjab, with Lahore being one of them. The department is currently in the process of identifying 2,000 suitable schools for the initiative.

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To ensure the success of the initiative, the SED will recruit 4,000 ad-hoc teachers for the summer camps, who will be paid a sum of Rs. 18,000 each. These teachers will be responsible for managing extracurricular activities, games, and academic courses for the participating students.

The SED’s decision to hold summer camps in educational institutions has raised concerns among government school teachers who fear that students may not display a keen interest in such programs. The camps are expected to take place during June, July, and August, which coincide with the summer vacation period.

The idea of launching summer camps was initially proposed five years ago, but it was not implemented over the past three years due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. However, the SED is now making preparations to ensure the successful implementation of the initiative.
