Masters in Business Economics (M.B.Ecom) 2022

Master of Business Economics (M.B.Ecom) program emphasises adding value to the business by applying economic principles performs the unique role of bridging the gap between theoretical economics and business administration. 

This program enhances the student’s financial skills and problem-solving competencies necessary to deal with challenges posed by the increasingly complex and rapidly changing business environment.

Career Options

The precise nature of “Business Economists'” work depends on the organization employed. For example, they may research economic aspects that concern the organization’s financial position and advisors for top management. 

On the other hand, they may be busy with business management as a science, lecturing at a university, or a technician. They may also research techno-economic aspects at large research organizations, to name but a few.

  1. Accountant
  2. City Planner
  3. Economics Editor
  4. Financial Reporter
  5. Litigation Analysis
  6. Research Scientist
  7. Sr. Data Analyst
  8. Economics Analyst
  9. Sr. Health Economics Researcher
  10. Adjunct Instructor-Economics
  11. Macroeconomists
  12. Industrial Economists
  13. Organizational Economists
  14. Macroeconomists
  15. Monetary Economists
  16. Financial Economists
  17. Labour Economists
  18. Demographic Economists
  19. Public Finance Economists

Major Subjects

  1. Microeconomics
  2. Macroeconomics
  3. Statistics For Business And Economics
  4. Mathematics For Business And Economics
  5. Computer Applications
  6. Fundamentals Of Management
  7. Fundamentals Of Marketing
  8. Financial Accounting
  9. Management Information Systems
  10. Financial Management
  11. Managerial Economics
  12. International Economics
  13. Research Methods
  14. Business Econometrics
  15. Investment Analysis
  16. Research Project
  17. Advanced Financial Management
  18. Human Resource Management
  19. Managerial Accounting
  20. Labor Economics
  21. Development Economics
  22. Budgeting and Forecasting
  23. Managerial Accounting
  24. Monetary Economics
  25. Money and banking
  26. Public Finance
  27. Taxation Law

Admission Requirements

Requirements for Masters in Business Economics (M.B.Ecom):

  1. The candidate should have 14 years of education.
  2. Candidates should have a graduate degree from a recognized college or university.
  3. A background in social science will be a plus point but not an essential feature.
  4. Candidates who are more than 26 years old shall not be entitled to admissions unless the Vice-Chancellor grants relaxation for special reasons on the recommendations of the Chairman.
  5. International students must route their applications through the Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan.
  6. Admission will be made on merit, subject to the regional quota.

(These rules are applied to government universities in Pakistan)