The Karachi University has issued the BA BSc program alert. The university has informed the students not to take admission in unauthorized degree programs such as BA, BSC, and B.Com.
These degree programs have already been phased out because of the quality concerns by the Higher Education Department as per the International Education Standards.
Unauthorized Degree Programs
According to the new policy and directives issued by the Higher Education Department, these discarded degrees will not allow the students to apply for jobs or further education.
If the candidates get enrolled in these authorized degree programs, they will waste their time as it will be of no use, and HEC will not consider their degrees in any case.
Moreover, the candidates are informed that an associate degree is not equivalent to the BA/BSc/ (16 years of education). Still, AD is identical to 14 years of schooling, which entitles candidates can get admission in the 5th semester of the respective BS degree programs after fulfilling the critical admission criteria announced by the University.
Announcement By HEC
The Higher Education Department warned students not to take admission in BA/BSc unauthorized degree programs. The decision regarding abolishing the unauthorized degree programs was born in 2022, but HEC had permitted the universities to allow admission in a transition period.
Later on, the Associate Degree (AD) was announced so that candidates who intend to enroll in a BA/BSC degree can gain admission to its alternative.
The transition period was ended in 2016, and the final decision was made to stop admissions to the BA/BSC programs on 31st December 2018.
It was also decided that the last BA/BSc exam will be held in 2020, and these decisions were confirmed in 2017 and again in 2019 and 2020. But due to the Coronavirus situation, flexibility was provided to the universities to conclude the final exam of BA and BSc before 31st March 2021.